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Monday, April 11, 2011


posecoach asked: Hi Dr. Mui

Are ASTYM and Graston similar? If not what are the most significant differences between them?


Hi Ken,
I looked into the ASTYM techique and noticed a few differences. First and foremost, ASTYM uses a plastic/acryllic tool, while Graston uses stainless steel instruments. From my experience with the two (I have used a plastic Gua-Sha tool before), I am able to palpate the restrictions easier with my steel Graston tools. 
Also, Graston is used to physicaly break up scar tissue while ASTYM is used to stimulate the remodeling phase of injury and promote healing. From what I’ve read, ASTYM is a less painful form of myofascial work.
Both techniques work to promoting a faster healing time, they just differ in their method. While I am certified in Graston, I have only researched ASTYM. Hopefully this answers your question, but I will look into the technique further to provide a more conclusive answer.
Thanks for the question!

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